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Publication list (last updated March 6th 2013)

In press
- Durand J., Legrand A., Tort M., Thiney A., Michniewicz R.J., Coulon A. & Aubret F. (sous presse) Effects of geographic isolation on anti-snake responses in the wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Amphibia-Reptilia.

- Coulon A., Fitzpatrick J.W., Bowman R. & Lovette I.J. Mind the gap: genetic distance increases with habitat gap size in Florida Scrub Jays. Biology Letters 8, 582-585.
- Bonte D., Van Dyck H., Bullock J.M., Coulon A., Delgado M., Gibbs M., Lehouck V., Matthysen E., Mustin K., Saastamoinen M., Schtickzelle N., Stevens V.M., Vandewoestijne S., Baguette M., Barton K., Benton T., Chaput-Bardy A., Clobert J., Dytham C., Hovestadt T., Meier C.M., Palmer S.C.F., Turlure C., Travis J.M.J. Costs of dispersal. Biological Reviews.
- Richard M., Stevens V.M., Le H énanff M., Coulon A., Lourdais O., Clobert J. Fourteen new polymorphic microsatellite loci for the wall lizard Podarcis muralis (Sauria : Lacertidae). Molecular Ecology Resources.

- Palmer S.C.F., Coulon A., Travis J.M.J. Introducing a “stochastic movement simulator” for estimating habitat connectivity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2(3) 258-268.

- Coulon A., Fitzpatrick J.W., Bowman R., Lovette I.J. Effective dispersal decreases with increased habitat fragmentation in the Florida Scrub-Jay. Conservation Biology, 24 1080-1088.
- Coulon A. GENHET: an easy-to-use R function to estimate individual heterozygosity. Molecular Ecology Resources, 10 167-169.
- Bonnot N., Gaillard J.-M., Coulon A., Galan M., Cosson J.-F., Delorme D., Klein F., Hewison A.J.M. No differences between the sexes in fine-scale spatial genetic structure of roe deer. Plos One, 5(12) e14436.
- Gibbs M., Saastamoinen M., Coulon A., Stevens V.M. Organisms on the move: ecology and evolution of dispersal (meeting report). Biology Letters 6 146-148.

- Balkenhol N., Gugerli F., Cushman S.A., Waits L.P., Coulon A., Arntzen J.W., Holderegger R., Wagner H.H. & participants of the Landscape Genetics Research Agenda Workshop 2007 Identifying future research needs in landscape genetics: where to from here? Landscape Ecology, 24 455-463.
- Guillot G., Leblois R., Coulon A., Frantz A. Statistical methods in spatial genetics. Molecular Ecology. 18 4734-4756.
- Stenzler L.M., Makarewich C.A., Coulon A., Ardia D.R., Lovette I.J., Winkler D.W. Subtle edge-of-range genetic structuring in transcontinentally distributed North American Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). The Condor 111(3): 470-478.

- Coulon A., Morellet N., Goulard M., Cargnelutti B., Angibault J.-M. & Hewison A.J.M. Inferring the effects of landscape structure on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) movements using a step selection function Landscape Ecology, 23 603-614.
- Coulon A., Fitzpatrick J.W., Bowman R., Stith B.M., Makarewich C.A., Stenzler L.M. & Lovette I.J. Congruent population structure inferred from dispersal behaviour and intensive genetic surveys of the threatened Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma cœrulescens). Molecular Ecology, 17 1685-1701. Featured in the section News and Views of the same journal issue.
- Barnett J., Ruiz Gutierrez V., Coulon A. & Lovette I.J. Weak genetic structuring indicates ongoing gene flow across White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo altera) populations in a highly fragmented Costa Rica landscape. Conservation Genetics, 9 1403-1412.
- Gaillard J.-M., Hewison A.J.M., Kjellander P., Pettorelli, N., Bonenfant C., Van Moorter B., Liberg O., Andren H., Van Laere E., Klein F., Angibault J.-M., Coulon A. & Vanpé C. Population density and sex do not influence fine-scale natal dispersal in roe deer. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 275 2025-2030.

- Van Moorter B., Gaillard J.-M., Hewison A.J.M., Said S., Coulon A., Delorme D., Widmer O., Cargnelutti B. & Angibault J.-M. Evidence for exploration behaviour in young roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) prior to dispersal. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 20 1-15.

- Coulon A., Cosson J.-F., Ray N. & Hewison A.J.M. Inferring the influence of landscape on roe deer gene flow using connectivity estimates based on a weighted combination of several landscapes features. In 25 years of Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles in Practice - Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress - Part 1. 303-304.
- Cargnelutti B., Coulon A., Hewison A.J.M., Goulard M., Angibault J.-M. & Morellet N. Testing Global Positioning System performance for wildlife monitoring using mobile collars and known reference points. Journal of Wildlife Management, 71(4) 1380-1387.
- Hewison A.J.M., Angibault J.M., Cargnelutti B., Coulon A., Rames J.L., Serrano E., Verheyden H. & Morellet N. Using radio-tracking and direct observation to estimate roe deer density in a fragmented landscape – a pilot study. Wildlife Biology, 13(3) 313-320.

- Cosson J.-F., Estoup A., Coulon A., Galan M., Mortier F., Hewison A.J.M. & Guillot G. Un modèle géostatistique pour la détection et la localisation des discontinuités génétiques spatiales entre populations. Les Actes du BRG, 6 41-55.
- Coulon A., Cosson J.-F., Morellet N., Angibault J.-M., Cargnelutti B., Galan M., Aulagnier S. & Hewison A.J.M. Dispersal is not female biased in a resource-defence mating ungulate, the European roe deer. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 273 341-348.
- Coulon A., Guillot G., Cosson J.-F., Angibault J.M., Aulagnier S., Cargnelutti B., Galan M. & Hewison A.J.M. Genetic structure is influenced by landscape features: empirical evidence from a roe deer population. Molecular Ecology, 15 1669-1679.
- Coulon A. Etude de l’influence du paysage sur la dispersion du Chevreuil (Capreolus capreolus) en milieu fragmenté. PhD dissertation. Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. 195pp.
- Zannèse A., Morellet N., Targhetta C., Coulon A., Fuser S., Hewison A.J.M. & Ramanzin M. Spatial structure of roe deer populations: towards defining management units at a landscape scale. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43 1087-1097.

- Coulon A., Cosson J.-F., Angibault J.-M., Cargnelutti B., Galan M., Morellet N., Petit E., Aulagnier S. & Hewison A.J.M. Landscape connectivity influences gene flow in a roe deer population inhabiting a fragmented landscape: an individual-based approach. Molecular Ecology, 13 2841-2850.

Non-peer reviewed publications
- Coulon A., Cosson J.-F., Morellet N., Angibault J.-M., Cargnelutti B., Galan M., Aulagnier S. & Hewison A.J.M. (2006) ¿Dispersan más las hembras que los machos? Boletín de la Asociación del Corzo Español 9 24-25.